Your favorite B-Day is coming up... No, it's not your birthday, we're talking about Braces Bonding Day! By now, you have probably either heard (a) A LOT about braces from friends, family members, Tik-Tok, YouTube, or (b) nothing at all about this big addition to your teeth. Regardless of how much or little you know, let us help you understand exactly what to expect the day you get your braces starting from your first few steps in the office and going all the way through your first couple of weeks with your new hardware.
Step 1 - Photos & Records
At your consultation appointment, you may or may not have had "formal" records taken. If not, we'll capture the following records to have so that we can compare your teeth, bite, and smile before, during, and after treatment. If you need a new Christmas card photo, Twitter avi, or LinkedIn profile photo, we got you covered:
Facial portrait photos
Dental photos (close-up)
Digital dental scan

Step 2 - Braces Bonding
This is the part you've been waiting for! (And also the reason you opened this blog post). Putting braces on your teeth is done using a "bonding" process. It involves a cleaning or polishing of your teeth, priming the outer surfaces of your teeth, positioning the braces, and finally "curing" them into place. Here's breakdown of each of these steps:
1. Cleaning or Polishing

Orthodontic research has shown that bonding braces is most successful if it is done on freshly polished teeth. We use a polishing paste that's similar to the minty or fruity pastes used at your regular cleaning visits.
2. Isolating and Drying of Teeth

Bonding requires your teeth to be very dry, which means we need to prevent ALL saliva and water from touching the other surfaces of your teeth! We use cheek retractors and other rubbery or plastic guards to hold your lips, cheeks, and tongue out of the way.
3. Priming of Tooth Surfaces

The outer layer of your teeth need to be "primed" before placing the braces. In our office we use three layers to help prime your teeth. Each of these three layers is applied with the smallest and most adorable paint brushes you've ever seen.
4. Placement and Positioning of Braces

Braces (or brackets) are placed onto your teeth with a small layer of clear glue between the bracket and your tooth. That glue starts off as a paste, which allows Dr. C.J. to move and adjust the position of each bracket. Dr. C.J. takes great pride in trying to achieve the precise location and orientation of your braces, which can really speed up your treatment!
5. Light Curing

Once the brackets are properly positioned, the small glue layer must be exposed to a bright blue light. This light turns the glue from a paste material into a firm hard glue. This process is known as "light curing". It's the same idea as curing nail polish under bright lights or lamps.
Step 3 - Wires and Colors

For most patients, you will have your first set of wires placed into your braces after all the brackets are light cured into place. The wire the most common tool used to apply the forces to start straightening your teeth. In order for the wire to stay in-place within your brackets, color ties and/or power chain are placed around the outside of each bracket. Whether you have the singular o-ties or power chain depends on the type of tooth movement that Dr. C.J. determines is appropriate for that visit. Don't stress too much over picking the "right" color because you can usually pick 1-2 colors each time you come in for your regular adjustment appointments! And if you don't want bright colors, we have plenty of darker neutral colors including silver to help blend in with your braces.
Step 4 - Cleaning and Eating Instructions
Life with braces attached to your teeth is a little different than a life with plain teeth! We dedicate the last part of your bonding day appointment to explain how to best take care of your shiny new braces. Two parts to this include cleaning and eating with braces:

Cleaning -- We will show you techniques and give you new teeth-cleaning tools to help clean above, below, and in-between your braces. Poorly cleaned teeth and braces can actually make your teeth move slower and may result in quickly-forming cavities. If the teeth and braces cannot be kept clean, we may have to end treatment early before the teeth are fully straightened. So, listen closely during this part of the bonding day!

Eating -- When placed correctly, braces are bonded quite strongly to your teeth. However, they aren't invincible! Foods that are crunchy, sticky, or that require large or forceful bites can result in "broken brackets", which is when the bracket pops off of the tooth. If this happens, it can REALLY slow down your braces treatment because teeth need their braces to be attached in order for them to move and get straighter. We'll go over what types of foods avoid and habits to help prevent broken brackets so that your treatment can go as quickly as possible.
Step 5 - What to Expect in the First Few Days & Weeks
If this is your first time having braces, you and your teeth will be experiencing the feelings of tooth movement for the very first time. You might experience and notice some of the following:
Tooth or mouth soreness -- This is most noticeable in the first 1-3 days after getting braces. It should not be a sharp pain and should go away soon. When teeth move, they must move through and within the gums and bone that holds them in place. This is why you may experience soreness for a short period of time. If needed, we often recommend taking Tylenol (acetaminophen), or whatever over-the-counter pain reliever works best for headaches.
Lip and cheek contacts -- Your lips and cheeks are very accustomed to resting against your teeth. Now that you have braces, it will take some time for your lips and cheeks to accustomed to the feeling of resting against braces. We will always make sure that there are no sharp or pokey areas on your braces and wires before you leave each appointment!
Step 6 - Tell & Show Your Friends and Family
Don't be afraid to show off your new braces and colors! We are just a little biased, but we think braces are pretty "in" right now... and always. Ask people for input on what colors you should get at your next appointment!
If you had fun getting your braces tell your friends that they might find it fun too! Some of our favorite patients are the ones who are sent to us by our already-favorite patients!
